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GCESS History

GCESS Story & History

A proud part of its history, GCESS was formed as a way to advance consumers of Trinity Training Centre to Open Community based employment.

While Trinity Training Centre offered accommodation support, independent living, training and community access, it was clearly identified that many people wanted the opportunity to work in their community.

Federal Government funding was granted in June 1992, and on 2 July 1992 GCESS became an Incorporated Association and began operating a week later.

In 1992 GCESS offered employment support to 18 Service Recipients and was staffed by two full time and two part time employees.

Since then, our organisation has evolved to include 380 Service Recipients and 20 staff.

Structure and Funding

GCESS is managed by a voluntary Board of Management that is elected each year. The Board of Management is committed to providing responsible and ethical corporate governance to determine policies and to oversee the direction and financial viability of Gold Coast Employment Support Service Inc.

GCESS is a part of the Disability Employment Services (DES) network; a national group of community and private organisations that help employers recruit and retain employees with disabilities. GCESS is funded by the Department of Social Services (DSS).