Image result for phone symbol blue,Image result for mail symbol blue,Related image,Related image,Image result for disability employment services logo,GCESS Logo - July2017 (3)






                                                                 Evan is currently undertaking                                                                   a School Based Traineeship - a                                                                    Cert II in Horticulture which he                                                              only started in 2019. As you                                                                   can see in the photo, Evan’s talent, and                                                 passion towards one of his                                                                   projects he is undertaking just                                                                   shines through! This garden                                                                                 has been built by Evan & after                                                                   months of dedication and                                                                  nurturing, look at what he has                                                                created. So proud of you Evan.  



Mark has been awarded with a                                               Queensland Fire & Emergency                                                       Service 10 Year Service Medal for his                                             volunteer service with the Wasp Creek Rural                                                              Fire Brigade.  Mark has been                                                                           volunteering for 15 Years since                                                               2004 but was awarded with the 10                                                                Year service medal at the Wasp                                                               Creek Rural Fire Brigade 25 Year                                                             Celebration night on Saturday                                                                    23rd November, 2019.
























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